We accelerate change depending on the size, history and values of organizations.

A service dedicated to new companies and organizations that need to renew themselves


We support the development of start-ups in order to eliminate the critical issues that may represent a risk for the success of the business project and thus earn the trust of investors, shareholders and stakeholders.

Family business

We work alongside our customers to identify clear and effective strategies aimed at growth and evolution in a constantly changing business scenario.

generational continuity

We work with our customers to avoid the emergence of generational conflicts, preserve the wealth of the family and enhance each individual component.


eXcellentia supports start-ups and family businesses in organizing all activities relating to development and heritage with the aim of enhancing, protecting and creating owned assets.

Thanks to an approach that integrates experience, legal, fiscal, organizational and financial skills, eXcellentia professionals are able to propose tailor-made solutions allowing companies to face the challenges of the market.


Proper governance is essential for new businesses and family businesses.

For start-ups it is important, in the development phase, to know how to manage and govern the dense network of relationships that is established between the company and the reference environment in order to draw the right organizational boundaries for minimize the risks that dependence on external suppliers of resources (including financial ones) implies.

Family businesses, on the other hand, sometimes find themselves facing moments in which tradition and experience are no longer sufficient to guarantee the best management of the family business. 

Through a careful assessment of governance, eXcellentia professionals can help start-ups and family businesses to identify and implement the most effective structure to plan for the future with consistency and decision.

Tax planning

eXcellentia tax and legal consulting services help family businesses and start-ups to frame, plan and execute effective commercial and tax strategies, also in light of the dynamism of the framework Italian legislation.

These services include tax planning of income taxes, compliance services, individual and international taxation but also answers to legal problems such as the choice of the structure most suitable company.

Risk & compliance

Start-ups and family businesses must deal with rules and regulations and should integrate compliance into their processes, facing continuous legislative and regulatory changes, such as those that periodically concern the matters of personal data protection (GDPR), criminal liability of entities (Legislative Decree 231/01), health and safety in the workplace (Legislative Decree 81/08), and environmental compliance ,

eXcellentia can help them implement compliance processes and make them part of governance and risk management. EXcellentia professionals can support you in analysis and optimization of your business processes to keep your overall risk profile under control.

Our prevention and detection-based tools and methodology can turn your risks into strengths.

Growth and profit

Start-ups and family businesses need a strategy that reconciles shareholders and stakeholders to increase their profitability.

While successful family businesses usually aim for long-term sustainable growth, this approach is generally not suitable for start-ups looking to grow in the short / medium term.

Growth, whether gradual or achieved through acquisitions, partnerships or joint ventures, can offer companies, of any size, the opportunity to diversify their operation and expand into new geographic areas, reaching new customers and having access to new resources and skills.

eXcellentia helps organizations develop appropriate growth strategies and achieve operational excellence, helping them find new opportunities to grow and supporting them in the implementation of operations extraordinary, without neglecting the possible associated risks.

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