Risk management is a central aspect of corporate governance. Risk is a structural element of the business and those who manage to transform it into an opportunity for organizational improvement acquire competitive advantages. This is why eXcellentia has developed innovative approaches that allow us to analyze the signs of change and their impact on the company business. Risk Governance is not just protection of the existing corporate value but becomes an enabling factor for change. eXcellentia offers complete support to Internal Audit activities: from the start of the activity to assistance in operational audit activities, from the implementation of cutting-edge methodologies to quality assessment. In the area of ​​Risk Management, eXcellentia supports companies in identifying and managing business and operational risks in all phases of risk management in specific areas. The Regulatory Compliance Services support companies in designing, implementing and bringing the processes 'up and running' in compliance with national, international and regulatory sector regulations. Sustainability Services offer support to companies through the development of change management tools, training, reporting and monitoring of sustainability paths.


Governance, Risk & Controls

Risk management and the definition of effective control tools are the core of the Risk Assurance activities. 

We aim to be recognized as the trusted advisor on these issues, helping our clients:

  • to manage risks effectively, as well as to create value in a changing competitive environment;
  • to respond promptly to the constantly evolving regulatory context;
  • to understand and proactively manage the trends of the reference sector.

Internal Audit Services

We help our clients to create an Internal Audit function that contributes to increasing company value. Constant methodological exchanges, as well as access to a wide range of specialists, allow our clients to improve their governance and risk management processes and to be confident in the operations of the organization.

Digital Risk Solutions

We help our clients improve their IT functions, manage the risks associated with new businesses, as well as gain confidence that their IT policies, procedures, controls and technologies are adequate for business needs and threats of external attacks, data loss or disasters.

Risk management services

We help organizations anticipate and deal with changes in the regulatory environment, implement more effective programs and controls, capable of mitigating the enormous variety of regulatory risks. We work with customers and regulatory bodies to develop effective responses to regulatory changes.

We help organizations throughout the life cycle of their financial operations. From governance and processes to technology and reporting, our services can increase transparency, efficiency, compliance and the accuracy and completeness of financial information.

We help organizations transform the way they manage people, technology, data and processes, to address operational risks and improve performance. We develop integrated risk management models aligned with strategies, helping organizations in business decisions.

Compliance transformation

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